I² Identity and Innovation
A project co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, to support knowledge exchange, collaboration and sharing of good practices, especially for secondary education in schools. The scope of the project is based on a participative trajectory between... -
Case Study: CRDI, the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion in Girona
img. from CRDI’s collections in Europeana: Construction of the bridge at Peixateries Velles in Girona, Spain, 1923, ph. Josep Jou Parés, CC BY-NC-ND. CRDI/Ajuntament de Girona In the framework of a capacity building effort to support digital transformation of the... -
Europeana celebrates Women in Science day
img. from Europeana website. Happy #WomenInScienceDay!🧪To celebrate, visit the online exhibition Pioneers and learn about life and achievements of brilliant women scientists: Marie Curie, Maria Sibylla Merian, Aletta Jacobs and others Pioneers highlights the lives and... -
Communities and projects
image: Promoter Digital Gallery. CC BY-NC.https://digitalgallery.promoter.it/items/show/1608 Europeana Education Meet a community of teachers who are using Europe’s digital cultural heritage to shape the future of digital education >>> Historiana An on-line...