Europeana DSI-2 kick off in Vienna, discussing and planning

Europeana DSI-2 kick off in Vienna, discussing and planning

Hosted by the Austrian National Library in the prestigious location in Vienna, on 7-8 September 2016 the kick-off meeting of the Europeana DSI-2 project took place.

About 60 attendees convened to discuss with the WP leaders both practical details of the project activities and objectives, overview and strategies. The kickoff included plenary sessions and parallel thematic meetings on specific areas of the project, and it was opened by Max Kaiser (Austrian National Library, technical project manager) and Jill Cousins (Europeana Foundation).

Photoconsortium participates in the Europeana DSI-2 project and will cooperate with Europeana and the other partners in order to – on the one hand – ameliorate content distribution and showcasing, and – on the other – to improve search services and user engagement, with a special focus on the characteristics of photographic heritage. At the Vienna meeting, both the President Fred Truyen and the Vicepresident Antonella Fresa were present together with Sofie Taes, who will be coordinating the activites of the new Photographic Channel in Europeana curated by Photoconsortium.

In the wrap up session at the end of the kickoff the participats together made a wordcloud and it is notable to see the word “direct” as one of the most important, as it expresses the objective and direction of the new Europeana aggregation infrastructure that is under development.


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Photoconsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage

Via della Bonifica 69, 56037 Peccioli, Pisa, Italy


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