Portraits: one hundred years at the studio (1840-1940)

Portraits: one hundred years at the studio (1840-1940)

The Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of Girona City Council has published a new Web resource with the studio portrait as a protagonist. It is a panoramic and comparative view of this photographic practice. It contents a  selection of 10 images for each decade, from 1840 to 1940. The aim is to give value to this photographic practice and make it possible for these images to acquire new meanings. In the privacy of the images we also find public stories, about the community, the religion, the culture, the country, the family, etc. It is therefore a historical search based mainly on the legacy left by the photographic galleries of the city that in some cases became centenary.

To display the images, they can be grouped in decades. These categories allow us to see the historical and aesthetic evolution of the portrait, from the images of daguerreotype to negative and positive based on gelatin of the twentieth century. They can also be grouped by themes: men, women, children, groups and post mortem. In any case, individualized views allows the complete and detailed contemplation of each image. The images contain a direct link to the CRDI web catalog, which allows you to obtain more information about the image and the possibility of downloading it in high resolution. Besides, the images always includes a licence that allows for private and cultural use, regulated by Creative Commons or Public Domain statement.

Explore the portraits: https://www.girona.cat/sgdap/retrats/cat/index_eng.php

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