FAME study day 1: legal and ethical aspects of face recognition

FAME study day 1: legal and ethical aspects of face recognition

online event, 18th January h. 13.30-16.00 CET.

image: 4 CVP Prime Ministers Dehaene, Tindemans, Martens en Eyskens, Michiel Hendryckx, CC BY-SA 3.0 via meemoo website.

Can face recognition technology help to make up for the lack of useful metadata in cultural heritage collections? That’s the main question behind the FAME project, which is being funded by the Flemish Community.

meemoo, the Flemish institute for archives, together with Kunstenpunt (Flanders Arts Institute, link in Dutch)KOERS (Museum of Cycle Racing)ADVN (Archive for National Movements), the Archive of the Flemish Parliament (link in Dutch) and IDLab, initiated several pilot projects to investigate the possibilities of applying face recognition to collections of audiovisual cultural heritage content.

We need to tread carefully with this use of artificial intelligence and machine learning; it’s important to take the privacy of the people portrayed and content copyrights into account. This first of three study days will therefore also focus on the legal and ethical aspects of face recognition technology.

More info and registration: https://meemoo.be/en/training-and-events/fame-study-day-1-legal-and-ethical-aspects-of-face-recognition

The second and third FAME study days about facial recognition will follow in February and March 2022.


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