Europeana Copyright Management Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Institutions

Europeana Copyright Management Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Institutions

img. Still Life, 1860. Rijksmuseum, Public Domain.

The Europeana Copyright Community is delighted to announce the publication of Copyright Management: Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Institutions.

The Copyright Management Guidelines aim to support best practice in copyright management in cultural heritage organisations by highlighting steps to take towards a harmonised approach. They focus on establishing workflows to deal with copyright in collection management, providing sufficient copyright support or knowledge and integrating copyright needs in activities and projects.

The guidelines were created by the Europeana Copyright Community Steering Group. After the development of a first draft, they were shared with the Copyright Community for comments and feedback. The first draft was refined taking those into consideration.

The guidelines are structured around a simple matrix, which highlights the steps to take and breaks each step down to identify the resources needed, explaining the process and workflows.

The Community will be officially launching the guidelines at an online event on 8 June, explaining how to best use the guidelines.

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