Roel Heremans preparing an interactive data sculpture in collaboration with imec

Roel Heremans preparing an interactive data sculpture in collaboration with imec

A interactive data sculpture, Resonance of Renewal, is to be constructed for the Artwork for the Cancer Hospital in Anderlecht as part of the residency set up by Gluon, a Brussels-based organisation that puts artists at the centre of imagining a better future. The initiative, named S+T+ARTS is of the European Commission, and operated in collaboration with Photoconsortium’s member imec, Institute Jules Bourdet, The Flemish institute for Biotechnology and Innoviris.

The sculpture aims to transform a sterile environment, enriching the patients’ experience on a human level, satisfiyng their need for art alongside the one for medicine and technological research: to secure the tie between those two aspects, artist Roel Heremans had the possibility to visit imec technology forum in Antwerp, where top-notch technology are developed, linking technology and creative minds to one shared outcome through interdisciplinary communication.

Watch the interview here, with Roel Heremans (artist), Dirk Van Gestel (Institute Jules Bourdet) and Frederik Temmermans (imec).

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