The Jalón Ángel’s Photographic Archive Award – deadline for submission 1 March 2017

The Jalón Ángel’s Photographic Archive Award – deadline for submission 1 March 2017

The Jalón Ángel’s Photographic Archive Award is now OPEN. If you haven’t participated yet, you can do it by clicking on this link:  and you can send your photo to one of the following genres: Portrait or Travel. The Award is open until 01 of March. 

The Jalón Ángel Photograph Archive, belonging to Grupo San Valero and guarded by San Jorge University, in collaboration with the Cultural Activities Services, are organising the 3rd Jalón Ángel Photography Awards.

Ángel Hilario García de Jalón Hueto (1898-1976), better known as Jalón Angel, was one of the most prominent figures of portraiture photography in Spain during his 50 years of professional career, until his death in 1976. This photographer, who had a great social and human impact, began his early training in Logroño and perfected it in the first decade of the twentieth century, first in Lyon and then in Paris. In 1926, he settled in Zaragoza where he developed his career that combined his most personal and creative photography, specialising in travel and urban and natural landscape.

His social and Christian concern led him to promote, in 1953, the San Valero Professional School belonging to Grupo San Valero, which gave young people access to working life through proper training.

This award not only aims to honour the memory of Jalón Ángel as a photographer, but also as the founder of Grupo San Valero, a set of institutions for educational and vocational training at different levels and modalities.

Come on and take part of it!

The following prizes will be awarded:

  1. Award for best photograph in the portrait category. Award amount: 1000 euros, iconic statuette and diploma.
  2. Award for best photograph in the travel category. Award amount: 1000 euros, iconic statuette and diploma.

Learn more, read the rules and participate via:

¿Aún no habéis participado en el III Premio de Fotografía Jalón Ángel?
No esperéis más. Entrad en y enviadnos vuestra fotografía de Retrato y/o de Viajes.

Las bases y participaciones están disponibles en español, inglés y francés.
Se puede participar hasta el 01 de marzo.


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