Why 3D Matters: accelerating 3D in the common European data space for cultural heritage.

Why 3D Matters: accelerating 3D in the common European data space for cultural heritage.

The Europeana conference “Why 3D Matters: accelerating 3D in the common European data space for cultural heritage” will take place on 18 April 2023 (9h00 – 15h00 CET). The conference under the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU will be hosted by the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm (invite only) and online (open to public). This hybrid event is made possible thanks to the support of the Swedish Ministry of Culture, and is organised in collaboration with the Swedish National Heritage Board.

The conference will focus on 3D. It will explore the why and wherefores of 3D in digital cultural heritage: why 3D matters; diversity and variety of content suitable for 3D digitisation; sharing best practices, and much more. The conference aims to look into aspects, insights and inspirations on 3D as one of the main facets of the common European data space for cultural heritage and the digital transformation of the sector. If you are a digital cultural heritage professional, are interested in the common European data space for cultural heritage, or you work with and around 3D in culture, you would get the opportunity to extend your knowledge and be inspired.

To register for the meeting follow this link.

To discover more about the conference and to stay updated, check the event on Facebook.

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