Culture and Creative Sectors and Industries driving Green Transition and facing the Energy Crisis

Culture and Creative Sectors and Industries driving Green Transition and facing the Energy Crisis

Voices of Culture – the structured dialogue between the European Commission and the cultural sector is delighted to announce the publication of the Brainstorming Report on the topic ‘Culture and Creative Sectors and Industries driving Green Transition and facing the Energy Crisis’.

Culture is a catalyst, a driving force towards progress. A financially healthy cultural sector could become a vector in Europe, for the creation of a green vision that could set the foundations for the healing of the planet. Europe has an opportunity to put culture and the creative industries at the core of its competitiveness and its leadership in just transition and transformation to sustainability. This Brainstorming Report recommends that the European Commission introduce new institutional forms of support and funding structures to empower CCSI to do what it can do best: to break with tradition and expectation, break rules, habits and practices, replacing them with new perspectives and forms. CCSI needs courageous, competent funding and policy enablement to be able to offer the courageous cultural interventions that a complex, multi-dimensional strategy such as the European Green Deal needs.

The European Commission Structured Dialogue platform Voices of Culture invited participants from 35 organisations, selected through an Open Call from the relevant sectors across Europe, to brainstorm over two days – 15 and 16 June 2023 – in Tartu, Estonia, in order to collect insights, experiences, and recommendations on this topic from civil society. The findings represented in the Brainstorming Report reveal a wealth of European initiatives to support the greening of CCSI and present a number of recommendations to build on and extend the effectiveness of those initiatives. The report is aimed at both cultural practitioners on local and national levels, and policy makers, providing both with useful tools and recommendations for their work. The report features a comprehensive summary section, providing an overview of the main points of each chapter. The outcomes were presented and discussed with the European Commission (EC) on 6 September 2023. It is now published and shared with practitioners and stakeholders on local, national and EU levels.

The Brainstorming Report can be accessed HERE

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