Europeana Aggregators Forum, 2-3 November 2023

Europeana Aggregators Forum, 2-3 November 2023

The Europeana ecosystem builds on a network of national, thematic and domain aggregators enabling cultural heritage institutions to share their content with Europeana and open it up to new audiences. Photoconsortium is since many years Europeana accredited aggregator in the domain of photographic heritage.

Europeana accredited aggregators meet twice a year in the Europeana Aggregators Forum – EAF, and the Autumn 2023 event is hosted at the at Eötvös Loránd University in Múzeum körút in Budapest, in hybrid format on 2-3 November 2023.

The event is preceded by a conference titled Aggregators Day. Hungarian and European providers of digital cultural heritage and it will take place on 2 November 2023. before the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum. it is orgazied by the Hungarian aggregators (Hungarian National Museum, DigiPhil, and Forum Hungaricum) to present Hungarian aggregator institutions and gain insight into the current state of both national and European aggregation through inspiring presentations. We will have two speakers from Europeana: Henning Scholz will speak about Aggregation and dissemination of digital cultural heritage via Europeana; and Marie-Véronique Leroi will make a presentation about The common European data space for cultural heritage.

During the Aggregators Forum, a session “What if…?” – Gathering Aggregators’ expectations and requirements towards the Data Space for Cultural Heritage will discuss about the development of the Data Space for Cultural Heritage and especially focusing on topics that require more detailed conversations – such as aspects of how data will be shared within the Data Space and to the actors involved in this. In this session, we therefore want to dig deeper into topics such as (meta)data formats for the Data Space, the technical evolution of the Data Space and the timeline for communicating this amongst aggregators depending on the impact this might have on their workflows, the role of the aggregators and how it has changed during the past years and might change further in the context of the Data Space.

Additionally, a focus on Europeana’s Twin It! campaign will present that status of progres for the campaign to create a collection of iconic 3D cultural heritage items from the Member States in Europeana, including a presentation of upcoming publishing guidelines around 3D in Europeana.


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Photoconsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage

Via della Bonifica 69, 56037 Peccioli, Pisa, Italy


Photoconsortium is recognised as a legal person by the Pisa Prefecture, territorial office of the Italian government.


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