Fifties Friday: Swedish school architecture

Fifties Friday: Swedish school architecture

img. Hushållsseminarium, Nils Erik Martin Tesch, Arkitektur- och designcentrum, Public Domain via Europeana.

From the curatorial effort of the EU project 1950s in Europe Kaleidoscope, every week on Friday there’s a new set of carefully selected photographs to be explored on the project’s website.

Today we present “Swedish school architecture in the 1950s”.

Nils Erik Martin Tesch (1907 – 1975) was a Swedish architect who studied in Stockholm before entering employment with Birger Jonson and Paul Hedqvist. Tesch started an architectural business of his own in 1936, and would become a much-requested and prize-winning designer. In 1972 he was awarded the Prince Eugen medal by the King of Sweden for “outstanding artistic achievement”. Mixing functionalism with traditionalism, Tesch holds an impressive portfolio comprised of residential as well as public buildings, among which the Länsmuseet in Örebro and the Museum of Västerås. These photographs showcase his design of the domestic school in Umeå, a project conceptualized and built throughout the 1950s.


Fifties in Europe Kaleidoscope is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility Programme of the European Union, under GA n. INEA/CEF/ICT/A2017/1568496
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