CitizenHeritage goes to Euromed 2022 in Cyprus

CitizenHeritage goes to Euromed 2022 in Cyprus

CitizenHeritage, funded within the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, is a project about the involvement of citizens in cultural heritage as a booster for sustainable university research and higher education. On the occasion of the important EUROMED 2022 conference in Cyprus (7-11 November 2022) partner PHOTOCONSORTIUM organizes a key event to discuss about citizen science in (digital) cultural heritage and education, also including a special co-creation activity aiming at engaging local citizens and communities with their tangible and intangible heritage.

The event also builds upon the work and research carried out by successful past projects such as WeAreEuropeForCulture in Nicosia, PAGODE – Europeana China and WEAVE.

>>> View the announce of the workshop (exact date and time to be confirmed):

>>> Abstract and draft programme:

Draft Agenda

Introduction: scope of this workshop
Prof. Fred Truyen, KU Leuven

Showreel of citizen engagement activities with digital cultural heritage
– Learning from different experiences: WeAreEuropeForCulture; PAGODE – Europeana China; WEAVE
Antonella Fresa, Promoter / Vicepresident of Photoconsortium
– CrowdHeritage: a tool to easily enable participation in digital cultural heritage
Spyros Bekiaris, National Technical University of Athens 
– Citizen Heritage workshops in comparison: Sofia, Budapest, Antwerp
Sofie Taes, KU Leuven

PART 2 – Co-creation session, moderated by Sofie Taes
The activity acts as field test for the participatory approaches and methodologies in Citizen Science developed by CitizenHeritage project. CitizenHeritage develops a coherent methodology, based on university research and professional practice in heritage institutions, to better integrate crowdsourcing, citizen science and co-creation into the workflow of cultural heritage institutions. This methodology is beneficial to both researchers in education and collaborators in cultural heritage institutions, since it provides them with essential knowledge on how to fully exploit the possibilities of the digital transformation for citizen engagement. Additionally, CitizenHeritage proposes the use of ICT as a facilitator and mediator of citizen science in Cultural Heritage and Higher Education. The co-creation session will be focused on tangible and intangible heritage collections representing different communities in Cyprus.

Learn more about the CitizenHeritage project:

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Photoconsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage

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